Download The Warship Mary Rose The Life Times of King Henry VIII Flagship David Childs 9781848322110 Books

By Coleen Talley on Friday, May 31, 2019

Download The Warship Mary Rose The Life Times of King Henry VIII Flagship David Childs 9781848322110 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 240 pages
  • Publisher Seaforth Publishing (July 19, 2014)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1848322119

The Warship Mary Rose The Life Times of King Henry VIII Flagship David Childs 9781848322110 Books Reviews

  • Author David Childs obviously made good use of his time as development director of the Mary Rose Trust. The salvage and eventual raising of this once-proud vessel in 1982 brought international attention to the true beginnings of the Royal Navy more than five centuries ago. Childs' knowledge and ability to weave this exciting piece of British naval history into a pleasantly digestible form was a surprising treat. For those wishing to delve beyond the traditional history of Lord Nelson and the romanticized stories of Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubrey, this book is a must. Those real and imagined heroes of the nineteenth century can trace the origins of their stately, sail-borne warships back to the reign of King Henry VII and his famous son, King Henry VIII. To those unfamiliar with the Mary Rose of the 1500s, it is a true story of triumph and tragedy. However, Childs goes beyond simply telling a good story, helping educate a new generation about England and its neighbors in the sixteenth century. This a valuable addition to any naval library as well as a fun read.
  • Good book. It tells the whole history of the ship from when it was built to when it was lost, refound and raised and the efforts to get it into a fine museum.
  • Complete and very detailed history of the ship, from building her, to life on board, and the final lifting of her and the amazing artifacts. Absolutely fascinating.
  • A very interesting account of the ship and of life aboard. I would recommend this book.
  • This is an excellent book on the history of the ship and its role in the beginning of the British Royal Navy. I am not and have never been in the service, but I am very interested in military history and history in general.
  • I just found this book. It is full of the history of Henry V111, his huge interest in ships and the English Navy. Everything in the ship which was sunk right in front of Henry V111 was preserved. The pictures of these items, clothing, and naval instruments are fascinating. I wish I had found this book years ago.
More aboutDownload The Warship Mary Rose The Life Times of King Henry VIII Flagship David Childs 9781848322110 Books

Download Organisation de l'ADN et de la gamétogenèse French Edition eBook Cambridge Stanford Books Academic Scientists Dominique Toussaint

By Coleen Talley

Download Organisation de l'ADN et de la gamétogenèse French Edition eBook Cambridge Stanford Books Academic Scientists Dominique Toussaint

Download As PDF : Organisation de l'ADN et de la gamétogenèse French Edition eBook Cambridge Stanford Books Academic Scientists Dominique Toussaint

Download PDF Organisation de l&#39ADN et de la gam&eacutetogen&egravese French Edition eBook Cambridge Stanford Books Academic Scientists Dominique Toussaint

La structure de l'ADN fournit un mécanisme d'héritage. La conformation de l'ADN dépend du niveau d'hydratation, de la séquence d'ADN, de la quantité et de la direction du super enroulement, des modifications chimiques des bases, du type et de la concentration des ions métalliques et de la présence de polyamines en solution.
L'ADN biologique contenu dans le sperme est formé par le processus appelé gamétogenèse. Il se compose de différentes phases après lesquelles les cellules sexuelles mâles et femelles se forment.

Download Organisation de l'ADN et de la gamétogenèse French Edition eBook Cambridge Stanford Books Academic Scientists Dominique Toussaint


Product details

  • File Size 1276 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 17, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language French

Read Organisation de l&#39ADN et de la gam&eacutetogen&egravese French Edition eBook Cambridge Stanford Books Academic Scientists Dominique Toussaint

Tags : Buy Organisation de l'ADN et de la gamétogenèse (French Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Cambridge Stanford Books, Academic Scientists, Dominique Toussaint,Organisation de l'ADN et de la gamétogenèse (French Edition),Science / Life Sciences / Genetics Genomics,Medical / Genetics

Organisation de l'ADN et de la gamétogenèse French Edition eBook Cambridge Stanford Books Academic Scientists Dominique Toussaint Reviews :

More aboutDownload Organisation de l'ADN et de la gamétogenèse French Edition eBook Cambridge Stanford Books Academic Scientists Dominique Toussaint

Download Juliet School of Possibilities A Little Story About the Power of Priorities Audible Audio Edition Laura Vanderkam Penguin Audio Books

By Coleen Talley

Download Juliet School of Possibilities A Little Story About the Power of Priorities Audible Audio Edition Laura Vanderkam Penguin Audio Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 2 hours and 19 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Penguin Audio
  • Release Date March 12, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Juliet School of Possibilities A Little Story About the Power of Priorities Audible Audio Edition Laura Vanderkam Penguin Audio Books Reviews

  • This is Laura Vanderkam's first "business fable," and it's a great one, perhaps better than many other business fables I have read. I felt this one connected with my own work experience more than some others. This book is a great way to get introduced to the principles of productivity and time management that Vanderkam writes about in her nonfiction works in a story that sticks with you.

    As a work of fiction, I enjoyed way Vanderkam developed her characters and set the scene. I could envision that inn at the beach, the exhilarating bike ride, and even feel the main character's excitement when she had a great idea. I won't spoil the ending, and almost wished the book were a little longer, but if you want a book to reset or remind you of what's important, this is a great one. This book makes a great gift for new hires or new college graduates - and I LOVE the cover.

    One of my favorite quotes "“Our actions determine our courses. How we live our hours is how we live our lives.” Juliet paused. “Could how you live your hours lead to a place where you can’t even say what you’re proud of?"
  • Juliet’s School of Possibilities will resonate with anyone challenged to build a career while also finding time for sleep – much less a personal life. The amount of wisdom packed into this fable astounds me. The main character Riley makes many of the same mistakes I do, and seeing her careen towards disaster strengthens my backbone to take the time to prioritize and strategize, (and say no!) rather than just reacting to the seemingly urgent matters demanding my attention. Author Laura Vanderkam distills her many time management and productivity books into a few simple rules to live by, which are easy to remember because of the story built around them. You’ll enjoy the quick read and the lessons will stay with you. Highly recommend.
  • I’m a huge Laura Vanderkam fan since reading “Off the Clock” last year, so I was excited for the arrival of “Juliet’s School of Possibilities A Little Story About the Power of Priorities” to arrive on release day (today!). This quick read (took me an hour & fifteen minutes) is a fun story that teaches important - and real - points about the importance of the choices we make and the priorities we set with our time. Choose to spend an hour with this book - it could change your life!
  • Great little book. It is much harder to write a small book than a big one. Most people will take away the repeated theme of “I have all the time in the world.” I liked the gem hidden in the future vision of who gets to be CEO. Why not Rylie? Someone has to be. ;) I hope that this becomes a classic for next gen business women, much like The E-Myth by Michael Gerber.
  • The “parable” at the beginning was very predictable and the questions to ask ourselves after the story ended were also the same. This is not a book that will teach you anything you do not already know. Perhaps it is useful to answer some of the questions and do some thought but this ain’t rocket science by any means.
  • Juliet's School of Possibilities provides an enjoyable, bite-sized, and accessible introduction to Vanderkam's broader time management research and writing. For readers who find themselves inspired by Reilly's story and the prompts tucked into the back of the book, I strongly recommend Vanderkam's earlier books, including "I Know How She Does It" and "168 Hours." Both are longer, deeper dives into time management that inspired me to radically adjust my outlook on working motherhood.

    I'll absolutely be passing on my copy of Juliet's to the next young colleague who comes to me asking "how in the world do you manage a career and kids and a life?" It's doable, even energizing, if you (to quote Juliet) "choose well."
  • I have followed Laura Vanderkam's blog and read her books for a few years now and was excited when she announced she was writing a business parable. I have become a lover of books written in this style and this one did not disappoint! The characters are lovable and the storyline is not over the top at all. There are good principles to take from such a quick read. My favorite quote was - "'I don't have time' means 'It's not a priority.' We always have time for what matters to us."
    If you want some quick tips and a book to help you rethink what you spend time on - buy this book. And I would also recommend listening to her new podcast (titled Before Breakfast).
  • If you have never read any of Laura Vanderkam's work, this is a great place to begin your journey to taking control of your time and your life. It’s a short but impactful read that illustrates the power of priorities. The parable format makes it easy to understand that the answer is really in your choices. After you read this, you'll want to pick up Off the Clock or 168 Hours to put what you learned into place.
More aboutDownload Juliet School of Possibilities A Little Story About the Power of Priorities Audible Audio Edition Laura Vanderkam Penguin Audio Books

Read Online Buddhismus heute Was uns der Buddha wirklich sagt German Edition edition by Victor Niculescu Religion Spirituality eBooks

By Coleen Talley

Read Online Buddhismus heute Was uns der Buddha wirklich sagt German Edition edition by Victor Niculescu Religion Spirituality eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 2158 KB
  • Print Length 261 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Lungean; 1 edition (April 1, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 1, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language German
  • ASIN B07Q744KKB

More aboutRead Online Buddhismus heute Was uns der Buddha wirklich sagt German Edition edition by Victor Niculescu Religion Spirituality eBooks

Read Online Python for Data Analysis Data Wrangling with Pandas NumPy and IPython 9781491957660 Computer Science Books

By Coleen Talley

Read Online Python for Data Analysis Data Wrangling with Pandas NumPy and IPython 9781491957660 Computer Science Books

Product details

  • Paperback 550 pages
  • Publisher O'Reilly Media; 2 edition (October 20, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1491957662

Python for Data Analysis Data Wrangling with Pandas NumPy and IPython 9781491957660 Computer Science Books Reviews

  • This is the Python book for the data scientist already knows Python or at least OOP programming, but wants to be able to utilize the native and NumPy structures for writing machine learning algorithms. Slicing, broadcasting, tuples, pandas data frames -- all useful for applying Python's tools to data science. This is not a beginner book, but it's exactly what I needed to learn the details for translating equations to code.
  • This book falls somewhere between a manual page providing one example per function and a cookbook, tending more toward the former. Examples are dry and most are constructed using random data. There is very little in the way of practical use cases. I bought the book hoping to get some inspiration for using numpy and/or pandas for some types of analyses I find myself doing, but that didn't happen. Probably I've gathered enough overview that I now can put together useful queries that will provide useful hits on Stack Exchange. I wish I had better to say.
  • Wes is the creator of Pandas but he is not an effective writer. This has left a bad taste of pandas in my mind. A lot of examples created in this book are using random numbers and this is a poor way of teaching someone as it's too abstract. Random number generated examples rarely have anything to do with data encountered in real life.

    This book's problem is the classic curse of knowledge. The author does not know what it's like to get started with pandas and what are the difficulties users will have.
  • This book gave me my first job. And I am still learning it. It is simple, talks some general idea why functions design like this, and introduces some practical functions. Because in real life real job you always need to look up documentation or to google certain functions, I think the idea why Wes makes functions/variables like this, and what he wants to develop in the future is very important. anyway, I think this book is for data analysis beginner and some intermediate users. I learned Python first so I recommend beginners who want to use Python for Data Analyst/Scientist to learn Python Programming first/simultaneously. At least understand lambda and python expressions, otherwise, you can't feel the full magic.
  • This book covers all of the basics that you would want to know to get started in programming in Python for data analysis, as the title implies, but it doesn't really offer compelling real-world examples. The data seem to be made up and the analyses don't go into enough detail to help you really learn how pandas and numpy work. Overall this is a decent starter book but you will have to bookmark the python and pandas documentation online if you want to have a reference to all of the functionality those tools have, and there are many places online where you can get better examples to learn from. If you haven't made your mind up about which tool to use for data analysis, I highly recommend checking out dplyr in R, which has an excellent free book online (R for data science, hadley wickham). I find it very easy to learn and it is much easier to set up R and RStudio than it is to set up Python, even though I love Python and Pandas.
  • This book has been my foundation of using python as a data analyst.

    This book primarily focuses on the pandas Python library, which is awesome at processing and organizing data (Python pandas is like MS Excel times 100. This is not an exaggeration). It also introduces the reader into numpy (lower level number crunching and arrays), matplotlib (data visualizations), scikitlearn (machine learning), and other useful data science libraries. The book contains other book recommendations for continuing education.

    Although this would be a challenging book for a brand new Python user, I would still recommend it, especially if you are currently doing a lot of work in MS Excel and/ or exporting data from databases. I had a few false starts learning Python, and my biggest stumbling block was lack of application in what I was learning. This book puts practical tools in the reader's hands very quickly. I personally don't have time to make goofy games etc. that other books have used as practice examples. Despite other reviews criticizing the use of random data throughout the book, I found the examples easy to follow and useful. I would also argue that learning how to generate random data is useful in itself (thus the purpose of the numpy random library), and that there are practical examples throughout the book. Chapter 14 devoted to real-world data analysis examples.

    I am almost finished with my second time through the book, this time working through every example. This book has been well worth the hours spent in it. For context, I previously relied on Excel, SQL, and some AutoHotKey. This book has significantly improved how I work.

    Thanks, Wes and team.
  • As others have said, this book provides a good manual. If you have a project in mind and some programming background, you can adapt the examples in the book to complete the task. That said, a lot of the book reads more as documentation than instruction, and the documentation is more sparse than the official pandas documentation. Furthermore, some of the examples are rather opaque in understanding the main point, and the use of random number generators for example data manipulation sometimes makes it difficult to understand what a specific block of code is doing.

    Overall, this book provides a jumping off point in understanding the capabilities of pandas as well as its strengths, but it was is terribly useful in even basic data science workflow and concepts. For that, I highly recommend something like Hadley Wickham's "R for Data Science," which is much more approachable and rewarding in its use of example datasets, its more personable writing style, and its outlining of good practices for data science.
  • I'm getting my feet wet with Python and Python for Data Analysis. This is a great book for beginners to advance users who want to explore and learn Data analysis using Python. In addition to using Python for other purposes.
More aboutRead Online Python for Data Analysis Data Wrangling with Pandas NumPy and IPython 9781491957660 Computer Science Books

Read 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

By Coleen Talley

Read 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Download As PDF : 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Download PDF 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle  edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Would you like to be able to lose weight and keep it off?
Would you like to be able to rid your body of the toxins that can build up inside?
Would you like to do it without sacrificing the taste of the food
you eat?

Many people, especially in the western world, suffer from obesity. It has become an epidemic of gigantic proportions and is fast leading to health problems for millions. So many of us think about losing weight at some stage, but it isn’t always easy.
That’s where this book can help.

30 Day Whole Food Cookbook The 30 Day Guide For Heathy Lifestyle

is a revolutionary approach to your lifestyle and delivers advice on

»Essential lose weight tips

»Help with detoxing

»How to change your eating habits

»The foods to eat

»The foods to avoid

»Great recipes for every meal

»Lifestyle hacks

»And more…

30 Day Whole Food

isn’t just another recipes book that delivers ideas for weight loss meals. It tackles the root of the problem and aims to help you change the way you live, which is usually where the problems lie.

Get a copy today and see how it could change the way you live and eat!

Read 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

"Good for long term weight loss. This book shows how to move into the future whilst keeping off the weight."

Product details

  • File Size 33173 KB
  • Print Length 141 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 26, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle  edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Tags : 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle - edition by Melinda Harrison. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle.,ebook,Melinda Harrison,30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle,Antiques Collectibles / Art,Antiques Collectibles / Dolls

30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks Reviews :

30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks Reviews

  • Loved the new ideas for the meals. I love the book explains the health problems that come from bad eating habits. The daily food list and meal plan are great.
  • This was an amazing cookbook. I have enjoyed this journey and I love this cookbook!!!
  • Its a good book for whole food cooking. Learning recipes provided. Loving stuff. Appreciating content. Recommended.
  • Good one .I like this one and Recommend !
  • I LOVE that this book incorporates shopping records. Wager you can eat genuine sustenance for 30 days and parcels more than that. Avoid the very handled sugary junky stuff and head towards organic product, veggies, nuts, and grains. Parts to eat and appreciate. My top picks? Toasted cut sweet potatoes, tahina anything, and chickpeas! The formulas and feast plans are delicious and brilliant, and you'll be in better wellbeing on the off chance that you use them!
  • Incredible book! The eating routine is the most advantageous way you can eat, the formulas are truly astonishing and simple to pursue, and they plot what's in store to encounter every one of 30 days - which was pleasant.
  • Good for long term weight loss. This book shows how to move into the future whilst keeping off the weight.
More aboutRead 30 DAY WHOLE FOOD COOKBOOK The 30 Day Guide for Healthy Lifestyle edition by Melinda Harrison Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

PDF Vuoi sviluppare la tua creatività? Allora giochiamo! Italian Edition eBook Félix Coxeter

By Coleen Talley

PDF Vuoi sviluppare la tua creatività? Allora giochiamo! Italian Edition eBook Félix Coxeter

Product details

  • File Size 11727 KB
  • Publication Date January 16, 2019
  • Language Italian

More aboutPDF Vuoi sviluppare la tua creatività? Allora giochiamo! Italian Edition eBook Félix Coxeter

Download PDF Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers Letter Tracing Book Practice For Kids Ages 35 Alphabet Writing Practice S Mallory Books

By Coleen Talley

Download PDF Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers Letter Tracing Book Practice For Kids Ages 35 Alphabet Writing Practice S Mallory Books

Product details

  • Paperback 80 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (January 15, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 154258387X

Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers Letter Tracing Book Practice For Kids Ages 35 Alphabet Writing Practice S Mallory Books Reviews

  • I love this book for my 3 year old. It's got a whole page of upper and lower case letters, the paper is good quality and doesnt tear easily.
    It also depicts the direction of the pen movement.
    My kid loved it!
  • Five stars
  • Nice quality book with 3 pages of outlines for each letter. The letter are just over an inch tall, so big enough for our 3 year old to be able to follow along as she learns to hold a pencil and build dexterity. We have encouraged it as a fun activity and she sits down on her own now and will go through a line or two of a letter then flip to another page or activity; there are plenty of each letter so she can come back to the same letter multiple times.

    The paper is good quality, sturdy enough that we're not just tearing through pages, and the seam of the book is light enough that she can fold it open and have a flat surface to write across both sides of the page.
  • Very simple book, ended up returning. Wanted something that was spiral bound OR with perforated pages that could be torn out easily. I think any preschooler would have a tough time trying to keep the book open to the right page while they were working on tracing letters. Even if you thouroughly broke the binding. Great quality of pages and I liked the cover material, just not practically designed for small children in my opinion.
  • This practice book is great. Many more pages of letter tracing than other comparable books.
  • The book is in good shape. The paper isn't too thin where it would rip if you needed to erase any errors. Very good practice for little ones learning how to write letters and also learning the first letters to simple words. My son loves it. He does it everyday after school with no complaints.
  • I know that this is "old technology" but it is tried and true. Our 3+ year old granddaughter took to it immediately and sits down with it for a few minutes every time she visits us. It is fun to watch her get excited about recognizing letter on all kinds of objects after she has learned to trace them. You can't go wrong with this workbook.
  • Definitely not for younger kids - nothing fun about it. Letters are way too small for beginners.
More aboutDownload PDF Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers Letter Tracing Book Practice For Kids Ages 35 Alphabet Writing Practice S Mallory Books

Read Online The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books

By Coleen Talley on Thursday, May 30, 2019

Read Online The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books

Download As PDF : The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books

Download PDF The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books

Become the leader others want to follow

Forget everything you know about motivating others and building a harmonious workplace. If you want to get the best out of people, you must be willing to fight. But, that doesn't mean you become a dominator, nor does coddling others work.

The best leader you've ever had in your life was a liberator—someone willing to fight for your highest good, even at a personal cost. Inside, global leadership experts Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram explain what made that leader so unique, how to become that person yourself, and how to share the same gift with others.

  • Be one of the few that people actually want to follow
  • Learn the lost art of leadership—the intentional calibration of support and challenge for everyone you lead, your team and your family
  • Become a multiplication master as you learn to bring the best out of people for their highest good and that of the whole team
  • Overhaul entire cultures by focusing on the transformation and empowerment of sub-culture leaders
The 100x Leader will help you become—and build—leaders worth following. 


Read Online The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books

"The 100x leader uses the analogy of the Sherpa guiding climbers to the top of mount everest. Humble and in it for the glory of others, the Sherpa helps the climber achieve their goals by knowing what kind of challenge and support is necessary for each level of the journey. I love the idea that as leaders, we have to climb first but then it is our duty to help others climb. If we keep the star climber mentality, it is hard to be the kind of leader that others want to follow. Conversely, if we are a leader who fights for the highest good of those we lead, we are a truly unique and worthy leader. In a world of power-centric leaders, this kind of rare leadership is a breath of rare air. I recommend this book for any person who wants to be a healthier and more whole leader."

Product details

  • Hardcover 256 pages
  • Publisher Wiley; 1 edition (March 26, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1119519446

Read The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books

Tags : The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books @ ,Jeremie Kubicek, Steve Cockram,The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following,Wiley,1119519446,Leadership,Leadership.,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Development / Business Development,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Leadership,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Management,Business Economics,Business Economics/Management - General,Business/Economics,GENERAL,General Adult,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Leadership; leadership book; leadership books; how to be a leader; how to be a successful leader; how to lead at work; how to lead successfully; how to create a leader; how to train a leader; how to be a true leader; how to lead at work; how to lead others; how to lead others at work; The 100X Leader; Jeremie Kubicek; Steve Cockram explain,Leadership; leadership book; leadership books; how to be a leader; how to be a successful leader; how to lead at work; how to lead successfully; how to create a leader; how to train a leader; how to be a true leader; how to lead others; how to lead others at work; The 100X Leader; Jeremie Kubicek; Steve Cockram explain,Management / Leadership,Non-Fiction,United States,Wirtschaft / Management

The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books Reviews :

The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books Reviews

  • Years ago, my husband went to a GiANT consulting event Jeremie and Steve were hosting for Executives in Atlanta, GA. When he came back, something had snapped. He kept talking about wanting to "Liberate" me and our three children. The reality at that time, was that he would tend to "Dominate" our oldest son and he would "Abdicate" with me when he got home from long days trying to "save the world". I have the 100X Leader concept to thank for getting my husband's head in the game. Now, he works to be intentional in his leadership of our family every day. I have also never seen him exhibit more peace as he still fights to save the world, but he is self-aware enough to know where his lane is. Thank you, 100X and GiANT!
  • The 100x leader uses the analogy of the Sherpa guiding climbers to the top of mount everest. Humble and in it for the glory of others, the Sherpa helps the climber achieve their goals by knowing what kind of challenge and support is necessary for each level of the journey. I love the idea that as leaders, we have to climb first but then it is our duty to help others climb. If we keep the star climber mentality, it is hard to be the kind of leader that others want to follow. Conversely, if we are a leader who fights for the highest good of those we lead, we are a truly unique and worthy leader. In a world of power-centric leaders, this kind of rare leadership is a breath of rare air. I recommend this book for any person who wants to be a healthier and more whole leader.
  • No matter your role or title, we are all leading and influencing people. This book doesn't just inspire you to be a better leader, it gives you practical application on HOW to get better. The concepts can be put to use immediately, whether for personal application or within a team or family context. This will be a book to reference consistently throughout life's journey of getting better and helping others do the same.
  • This books is a rarity a practical guide for transforming your leadership and impacting those you lead (yourself, your family, your team, your organization, and the community). The diagrams make each principle practical and easy to explain to others. In teaching the tools to others, the learning becomes ingrained and easier to practice on a daily basis.

    My favorite tools are as follows
    - Support-Challenge Matrix what does it look to be on the other side of your leadership? My team felt I was liberating them, but my wife felt I was abdicating with family (I had "left it on the field" at work).
    - 5 Circles of Influence the Support-Challenge Matrix really has power when you apply to each circle of influence. As noted above, my Team got the best I have to offer but family was missing my leadership. It takes effort to be intentional in each circle, but the payoff is worth it.
    - Know Yourself to Leader Yourself how do your tendencies undermine your influence? Instead of trying to change your underlying tendencies, it's more effective to mitigate your negative tendencies by changing your patterns (response to your tendencies) so that your actions produce positive results. If you aren't intentional, your negative tendencies will manifest in negative patterns and negative actions leading to negative results.

    And then there is the Apprenticeship Square. The "Pit of Despair" is truly mind-blowing when you think through the number of times you've failed to adequately train/apprentice a new team member.

    This book will change your leadership and make you more effective than you've ever been. Be intentional. Buy this book, begin applying the principles in the first chapter, and refer to it often. Leadership is messy, but the effort is worth it.
  • Started and finished The 100X Leader in one day. It doesn't matter where you are on the leadership journey this book will challenge, equip and inspire you to greater levels of personal development and transformational influence. Be prepared for things to get personal but also look forward to gaining a greater mastery of leadership that is accessible, usable and shareable from the time you learn it. Great job Jeremie and Steve!
  • I love the language and visual tools! This book has helped me articulate what I have wanted to for years but didn't know how to. Now, when I speak, people lean in and listen. Thank you to Jeremie and Steve for writing one of the most important books that I have ever read and will pass along to every person I meet. Language + Visual Tools truly has Transformed my life!
  • I learned about the 5 Circles of Influence a few years back, and it's one of the tools covered in this amazing book. The idea is that if we want to be significant, memorable and consistent in our spheres of influence, we have to be intentional, starting with self. Accidental living produces accidental results. Jereme and Steve's concepts have helped me change how I see myself and how I prioritize and interact with the most important people in my world. The tools these leaders have developed from their own learning have radically changed the trajectory of my life. Everyone needs to read this book!
  • This book is full of gold! Love the simple yet impactful tools and language that you can start to apply immediately in your life.
More aboutRead Online The 100X Leader How to Become Someone Worth Following 9781119519447 Business Development Books

Read Online April Italian Edition edition by Anita S Literature Fiction eBooks

By Coleen Talley

Read Online April Italian Edition edition by Anita S Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 3060 KB
  • Print Length 75 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Butterfly Edizioni (January 28, 2019)
  • Publication Date January 28, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

More aboutRead Online April Italian Edition edition by Anita S Literature Fiction eBooks

Read Online What Saves Us Poems of Empathy and Outrage in the Age of Trump Martín Espada Julia Alvarez Doug Anderson Naomi Ayala Benjamin Balthaser Sean Bates Jan Beatty Tara Betts Richard Blanco Rafael Campo Cyrus Cassells Hayan Charara Chen Chen Brian Clements Jim Daniels Kwame Dawes Chard DeNiord Cynthia Dewi Oka Dante DiStefano Kathy Engle George Evans Tarfia Faizullah Dr Carolyn Forche Denice Frohman Danielle Legros Georges Aracelis Girmay Ruth Goring Adam Grabowski Laurie Anne Guerrero Sam Hamill Samuel Hazo Juan Felipe Herrera Jane Hirshfield Hoagland Everett Lawrence Joseph Yusef Komunyakaa Dorianne Laux Paul Mariani Demetria Martinez Paul Martinez Pompa Julio Marzan Maria Mazziotti Gillan Marty McConnell Leslie McGrath Richard Michelson E Ethelbert Miller Kamilah Aisha Moon David Mura John Murillo Maria Nazos Marilyn Nelson Naomi Shihab Nye Alicia Suskin Ostriker Willie Perdomo Emmy Perez Marge Piercy Sasha Pimentel Robert Pinsky Gabriel Ramirez Luivette Resto Peggy RoblesAlvarado Luis J Rodriguez William Pitt Root Patrick Rosal Joseph Ross Nicholas Samaras Ruth Sanabria Lauren Schmidt Seibles Tim Katherine DiBella Seluja Don Share Patricia Smith Gary Soto Mark Turcotte Brian Turner Chase Twichell Pamela Uschuk Elisabet Velasquez Richard Villar Ocean Vuong George Wallace Afaa M Weaver Eleanor Wilner Daisy Zamora Danez Smith 9780810140776 Books

By Coleen Talley

Read Online What Saves Us Poems of Empathy and Outrage in the Age of Trump Martín Espada Julia Alvarez Doug Anderson Naomi Ayala Benjamin Balthaser Sean Bates Jan Beatty Tara Betts Richard Blanco Rafael Campo Cyrus Cassells Hayan Charara Chen Chen Brian Clements Jim Daniels Kwame Dawes Chard DeNiord Cynthia Dewi Oka Dante DiStefano Kathy Engle George Evans Tarfia Faizullah Dr Carolyn Forche Denice Frohman Danielle Legros Georges Aracelis Girmay Ruth Goring Adam Grabowski Laurie Anne Guerrero Sam Hamill Samuel Hazo Juan Felipe Herrera Jane Hirshfield Hoagland Everett Lawrence Joseph Yusef Komunyakaa Dorianne Laux Paul Mariani Demetria Martinez Paul Martinez Pompa Julio Marzan Maria Mazziotti Gillan Marty McConnell Leslie McGrath Richard Michelson E Ethelbert Miller Kamilah Aisha Moon David Mura John Murillo Maria Nazos Marilyn Nelson Naomi Shihab Nye Alicia Suskin Ostriker Willie Perdomo Emmy Perez Marge Piercy Sasha Pimentel Robert Pinsky Gabriel Ramirez Luivette Resto Peggy RoblesAlvarado Luis J Rodriguez William Pitt Root Patrick Rosal Joseph Ross Nicholas Samaras Ruth Sanabria Lauren Schmidt Seibles Tim Katherine DiBella Seluja Don Share Patricia Smith Gary Soto Mark Turcotte Brian Turner Chase Twichell Pamela Uschuk Elisabet Velasquez Richard Villar Ocean Vuong George Wallace Afaa M Weaver Eleanor Wilner Daisy Zamora Danez Smith 9780810140776 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 288 pages
  • Publisher Curbstone Books 2 (October 15, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0810140772

More aboutRead Online What Saves Us Poems of Empathy and Outrage in the Age of Trump Martín Espada Julia Alvarez Doug Anderson Naomi Ayala Benjamin Balthaser Sean Bates Jan Beatty Tara Betts Richard Blanco Rafael Campo Cyrus Cassells Hayan Charara Chen Chen Brian Clements Jim Daniels Kwame Dawes Chard DeNiord Cynthia Dewi Oka Dante DiStefano Kathy Engle George Evans Tarfia Faizullah Dr Carolyn Forche Denice Frohman Danielle Legros Georges Aracelis Girmay Ruth Goring Adam Grabowski Laurie Anne Guerrero Sam Hamill Samuel Hazo Juan Felipe Herrera Jane Hirshfield Hoagland Everett Lawrence Joseph Yusef Komunyakaa Dorianne Laux Paul Mariani Demetria Martinez Paul Martinez Pompa Julio Marzan Maria Mazziotti Gillan Marty McConnell Leslie McGrath Richard Michelson E Ethelbert Miller Kamilah Aisha Moon David Mura John Murillo Maria Nazos Marilyn Nelson Naomi Shihab Nye Alicia Suskin Ostriker Willie Perdomo Emmy Perez Marge Piercy Sasha Pimentel Robert Pinsky Gabriel Ramirez Luivette Resto Peggy RoblesAlvarado Luis J Rodriguez William Pitt Root Patrick Rosal Joseph Ross Nicholas Samaras Ruth Sanabria Lauren Schmidt Seibles Tim Katherine DiBella Seluja Don Share Patricia Smith Gary Soto Mark Turcotte Brian Turner Chase Twichell Pamela Uschuk Elisabet Velasquez Richard Villar Ocean Vuong George Wallace Afaa M Weaver Eleanor Wilner Daisy Zamora Danez Smith 9780810140776 Books

Download PDF The Diamond Formula Inventions Untold Stories of the Beautiful Era collection eBook Alina Simone

By Coleen Talley

Download PDF The Diamond Formula Inventions Untold Stories of the Beautiful Era collection eBook Alina Simone

Product details

  • File Size 15632 KB
  • Print Length 48 pages
  • Publisher Original Stories (March 28, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 28, 2019
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07N6JQT15

The Diamond Formula Inventions Untold Stories of the Beautiful Era collection eBook Alina Simone Reviews

  • This was an interesting, quick, easy read about a man who conned some wise men who should have been able to escape his scheme. There are lessons learned in this story that are every bit as important today, as at the turn of the century, a hundred years ago.

    By the way, I recommend downloading and listening to the professionally narrated Audible version.. Perfect for a commute to work and back.
  • The Diamond industry is so artificial. The value is so high you can't not invest, think Cold Fusion (a flawed experiment that generated millions in investment). This a short, like a novella mix of important Diamond history and one bad investment by the company that Rules them All. What a great short read.
  • Interesting concept on making artificial diamonds.
  • This was an entertaining story of a con man who managed to not only dupe the powerful head of De Beers diamonds out of a substantial sum of money, and become the toast of Paris as well. The backgrounds of both are presented, framing how they met and the con was executed. The subsequent trial is the most interesting part. Even the judge was enthralled. The sheer gumption of the con is impressive. I read this book using immersion reading while listening to the audiobook. The book was interesting, but Amy McFadden's superb narrative stands out and really brings the book alive.
  • A Quick, Impactful Tale of History

    Alina Simone gets to the point quickly with this read-in-one-sitting tale, and she might kick off a new trend with this.

    Small time investment on the reader's part, but quite a bit of payoff.

    Simone shows the characters here, and then shows what happens.

    It's difficult to put down, and when you do - it's over.

    And then you want more.

    I highly recommend this book, and have already started the next in the series - Jump! (Inventions Untold Stories of the Beautiful Era collection.

    I highly recommend this book, and so far I like this series and new style as a whole.
  • This was my favorite of the "Belle Epoch" series as a humble man claims to have created man-made diamonds and the potentially catastrophic effects such a talent would have on the diamond industry.
  • Reads like a novel, but this a historical account of the birth of artificial gems - and of the de Beers diamond cartel.
  • A tale of a confidence trixter and how he got away with it. Interesting reading well told. Recommended for all readers type
More aboutDownload PDF The Diamond Formula Inventions Untold Stories of the Beautiful Era collection eBook Alina Simone

Ebook Confessioni di Sant'Agostino di Ippona Italian Edition eBook San'Agostino di Ippona Enrico Bindi

By Coleen Talley

Ebook Confessioni di Sant'Agostino di Ippona Italian Edition eBook San'Agostino di Ippona Enrico Bindi

Download As PDF : Confessioni di Sant'Agostino di Ippona Italian Edition eBook San'Agostino di Ippona Enrico Bindi

Download PDF Confessioni di Sant&#39Agostino di Ippona Italian Edition eBook San&#39Agostino di Ippona Enrico Bindi

"Le Confessioni" (in latino "Confessionum libri" o "Confessiones") è un'opera autobiografica in XIII libri di Agostino d'Ippona, padre della Chiesa, scritta intorno al 400. È unanimemente ritenuta tra i massimi capolavori della letteratura cristiana. In essa, Sant'Agostino, rivolgendosi a Dio, narra la sua vita e in particolare la storia della sua conversione al Cristianesimo.
Traduzione di Enrico Bindi, vescovo di Pistoia e Prato.

Ebook Confessioni di Sant'Agostino di Ippona Italian Edition eBook San'Agostino di Ippona Enrico Bindi


Product details

  • File Size 991 KB
  • Print Length 283 pages
  • Publisher Bambù Edizioni (January 27, 2019)
  • Publication Date January 27, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Confessioni di Sant&#39Agostino di Ippona Italian Edition eBook San&#39Agostino di Ippona Enrico Bindi

Tags : Confessioni di Sant'Agostino di Ippona (Italian Edition) eBook San'Agostino di Ippona, Enrico Bindi ,ebook,San'Agostino di Ippona, Enrico Bindi,Confessioni di Sant'Agostino di Ippona (Italian Edition),Bambù Edizioni,Biography Autobiography / Religious,Religion / Christian Theology / General

Confessioni di Sant'Agostino di Ippona Italian Edition eBook San'Agostino di Ippona Enrico Bindi Reviews :

More aboutEbook Confessioni di Sant'Agostino di Ippona Italian Edition eBook San'Agostino di Ippona Enrico Bindi

Read Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman 9781787535909 Books

By Coleen Talley

Read Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman 9781787535909 Books

Download As PDF : Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman 9781787535909 Books

Download PDF Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman 9781787535909 Books

A reissue of the successful BBC Radio adaptation of Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman’s celebrated apocalyptic comic novel, Good Omens, starring Peter Serafinowicz (Crowley) and Mark Heap (Aziraphale). According to the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday in fact. Just after Any Answers on Radio 4. Adapted, sound designed and co-directed by Dirk Maggs (Neverwhere, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) this dramatization of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s novel features a large cast including Peter Serafinowicz (Shaun of the Dead), Mark Heap (Spaced), Josie Lawrence and Paterson Joseph. Includes outtakes not heard on the radio.

Read Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman 9781787535909 Books


Product details

  • Audio CD 1 pages
  • Publisher BBC Physical Audio; Unabridged edition (September 1, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1787535908

Read Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman 9781787535909 Books

Tags : Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation [Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman] on . <DIV><P>A reissue of the successful BBC Radio adaptation of Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman’s celebrated apocalyptic comic novel,Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman,Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation,BBC Physical Audio,1787535908,AUDIO,FICTION / Fantasy / General,FICTION / Humorous / General,Fantasy,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,Fiction/Christian - Fantasy,Fiction/Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends Mythology,Fiction/Fantasy - General,Fiction/Fantasy - Humorous,Fiction/Religious - General,Fiction/Satire,General Adult,Great Britain/British Isles,novels; fiction; fiction books; books fiction; fantasy fiction; fantasy books for adults; fantasy novels; science fiction and fantasy; fantasy book; fantasy novel; fantasy; horror; mystery; urban fantasy; vampires; short stories; magic; anthology; paranormal; science fiction; steampunk; supernatural; adventure; ravenloft; vampire; german; comedy; collection; pratchett; alternate history; ghosts; gaming; sci-fi; noir; epic fantasy; historical; crime; england; witches; mythology; thrillers; comics; detective; thriller; omnibus; classic

Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman 9781787535909 Books Reviews :

More aboutRead Good Omens The BBC Radio 4 Dramatisation Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman 9781787535909 Books

Read Online Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema tempi moderni Vol 2 Italian Edition edition by Dario Fani Politics Social Sciences eBooks

By Coleen Talley

Read Online Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema tempi moderni Vol 2 Italian Edition edition by Dario Fani Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download As PDF : Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema tempi moderni Vol 2 Italian Edition edition by Dario Fani Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download PDF Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema tempi moderni Vol 2 Italian Edition  edition by Dario Fani Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Non sono mai stato uno scolaro modello. Nel registro si annotavano una quantità spropositata di mie assenze. Ma il risultato nell’insieme era più che soddisfacente. Tanto che talvolta finivo con l’essere nominato perfino capoclasse. La cosa più terrificante allora era il momento in cui il maestro mi faceva tirare una linea bianca sulla lavagna nera e si assentava. Il mio compito era segnare da una parte il nome dei cattivi e dall’altra parte quello dei buoni, in assenza del maestro. Era un compito che mi procurava un disagio enorme, un compito che proprio non mi riusciva di assolvere. Avevo compagni che erano capaci di svolgerlo in una maniera esemplare, con una sicurezza e un piglio straordinari. Li invidiavo. A me non riusciva e, il più delle volte, al ritorno, il Maestro trovava la lavagna esattamente così come l’aveva lasciata una lastra nera divisa da una riga bianca, senza neppure un nome scritto sopra.

Già, come si scelgono i buoni dai cattivi? E soprattutto com’è che i buoni diventano cattivi? Perché al principio i miei compagni a me sembravano tutti buoni, ecco quand’è che dovevo segnarli nella parte dei cattivi? Cioè come si diventa cattivi? E quand’è che si è così cattivi da dover essere inesorabilmente e eternamente ascritti sul lato brutto della lavagna?

Read Online Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema tempi moderni Vol 2 Italian Edition edition by Dario Fani Politics Social Sciences eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 3196 KB
  • Print Length 29 pages
  • Publisher Beat Bild; 1 edition (April 10, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 10, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema tempi moderni Vol 2 Italian Edition  edition by Dario Fani Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Tags : Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema (tempi moderni Vol. 2) (Italian Edition) - edition by Dario Fani. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema (tempi moderni Vol. 2) (Italian Edition).,ebook,Dario Fani,Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema (tempi moderni Vol. 2) (Italian Edition),Beat Bild,Social Science / Sociology / General,Body, Mind Spirit / General

Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema tempi moderni Vol 2 Italian Edition edition by Dario Fani Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews :

More aboutRead Online Educare piccoli eroi per un mondo migliore principi elementari per una Etica di Sistema tempi moderni Vol 2 Italian Edition edition by Dario Fani Politics Social Sciences eBooks